Sunday, October 26, 2014

Our Days in Nauvoo Oct 19 - 26 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

This will be my last entry from Nauvoo.  I’m not going to lie - I won’t miss writing this letter.  I’m not a writer and it has been a struggle. But I will miss this wonderful place, the beautiful temple and our wonderful friends. Joseph Smith said of Nauvoo, "This is the loveliest place and the best people under the heavens." That is how I feel.  However, I would say "one of the loveliest places and some of the best people under the heavens." It has been an emotional week as we have finished up our activities here. 

Sunday, Oct 19 – It's hard to believe we go home next week. It was tough to say goodbye to our friends in Ottumwa.  It was such a good experience – and to think I didn’t want to go at the beginning.  We ate at the Parcell’s.  They are such terrific people.  I can't remember if I mentioned that they have been called as ordinance workers. They are so nervous about serving at the temple but they will be amazing. What wonderful people we have met here.  Words can’t express.  

Monday, Oct 20 – We are starting to get cute little notes with treats in our mail boxes from the couples leaving.  We started packing this afternoon and we are in quite a mess. We had our closing FHE / dinner tonight.  It was a beautiful evening.  The choir singing “Old Nauvoo” a beautiful song written by one of the temple missionary sisters.  After dinner we moved into the chapel and had a testimony meeting that was awesome.  The choir sang “Nearer My God to Thee” that Brother Rebentish, another temple missionary, had arranged with a special verse about our mission.  Elder Rod Crockett said in his testimony that he feels like we were all good friends in the pre-existence and that the Lord told us that if we were righteous He would call us to serve together in Nauvoo and that this has been our wonderful 6 month reunion.  That just rang so true to me. Sister McArthur said that we will be altogether again and that heaven will be so wonderful when we are.  I love these people here.  What beautiful, righteous friends.  We had a dear friend pass away today - Colleen Scott.  She is such a wonderful friend.  Today has been both beautiful and sad.    

Tuesday, Oct 21 – We went with the Grover’s and the Crockett’s to Cantril to the Dutchman’s store - a fun store run by the Amish.  We had a picnic at a park - it was a fun time.  We came home, did some packing and cleaning and then went to the temple at 5:00.  We led the 6:00 session - it was tiny.  They had a big 7:00 and not too many on the 8:00.  Tomorrow we have general authorities coming for a 3 day mission presidents seminar and they will be in the temple for a session so it will be interesting.  President Hullinger gave this quote in our preparation meeting, “Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting.  The soul that rises with us, our life's star, hath had elsewhere its setting.  Not in entire forgetfulness and not in utter nakedness, but trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home.”  I had forgotten memorizing that years ago and I don’t think I totally understood it’s meaning then.  It hit such a cord with me tonight and there was such a tender spirit in our meeting.  I couldn't help but think of sweet Bridger, who just came from our Heavenly Father, trailing clouds of glory; and Colleen, who just returned to God, who is our home.  I'm so thankful for the Savior's beautiful plan.

Wednesday, Oct 22 - We had the mid-day shift today.  Dad stayed late to help with the session they had for the mission president seminar.  They all came to the 5:00 session with their wives.  I went to Elder Brinley’s marriage lecture without Dad and he came late when he finished at the temple.  These lectures are so good – I wish we could get the information from all of them.
Thursday, Oct 23 – We had our early shift today with the normal assignments. We also had our exit interview.  President McArthur wanted to say thank you and ask for any input.  He offered a prayer with us before we left and it was very sweet and personal.  He is a great man and Sister McArthur is so wonderful.  We stayed after our shift to do the 1:00 session with 17 of our temple missionary friends.  They had divided us up in 3 groups so we could go through a session as workers.  I was teary all the way through, looking around the room at the people we have served with and grown to love so much.  When we were all in the celestial room together I thought that this must be how heaven will be.  Most of these people we won’t see again until that time.  Oh how we love them!!  It is such a bittersweet time in our lives.  After the temple, Brother Prince, one of the engineers, took us to the basement to see all the underground workings.  They are massive.  We also had the chance to climb up into the bell tower.  It is a beautiful view, and 89 steps.  I was close enough to touch the screws holding Angel Moroni in place and forgot to do it.  Rats! 

 Friday, Oct 24 – It was our P-Day and we spent it packing and cleaning. I’m getting really tired of it.  We are still trying to decide how and when to get home.  
Saturday, Oct 25 – It was a hard day at the temple.  Our only saving feature is that we will see people tomorrow at the devotional so we knew it wasn’t goodbye yet.  I had a great variety of assignments and that was fun – laundry, baptistery, sealings, veils.  After we got home I went to Land and Records and found some histories from my side of the family.  It was something I have wanted to do since we came.  Tonight was the annual Nauvoo Pumpkin Walk – NauBoo.  President Nelson is over it and it is the big fund raiser for this wonderful little place.  There are hundreds of awesomely carved pumpkins up and down both sides of main street; they have a parade for the kids to walk down the street in costume.  People come from everywhere.  There were food and craft booths.  The site missionaries had booths and were giving away bags of popcorn and treats.  It was awesome!!  There was a group of BYU-I kids doing baptisms here this morning too - here for a Nauvoo tour.  Suzanne did that tour a few years ago. 
Sunday, Oct 26 – We had a wonderful day of meetings.  We went to Sacrament Meeting with the site missionaries at 8:00 and Elder L Tom Perry spoke along with Elder Rasband.  It was such a great meeting and such a spirit when Elder Perry entered and everyone stood.  Our Devotional was at 3:30 but I had to be to choir at 1:20 so we could be in our seats by 2:00 when they opened the doors for the other temple workers.  We had a prayer and went through the song twice then waited for 1 ½ hours until 3:30 when the meeting started.  The meeting was held in the Assembly Room and it was so wonderful.  I couldn’t help but think of 6 months ago when we met there with these same missionaries, not knowing any of them.  What a different feeling there this afternoon.  We have made forever friends and it is hard to leave them. This 6 months has been one of the highlights of my life and I will be forever thankful to my Heavenly Father for this wonderful privilege and blessing.  

Please know that I have a testimony of the gospel.  I know it is true.  I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and that they know and love each one of us.  I know we are led by a living prophet, President Thomas S. Monson and that if we follow him we will stay on the path that will take us back to our Father in Heaven.  I have gained such a love for the prophet Joseph Smith and for his brother Hyrum and for their complete sacrifice.  I love the Book of Mormon and I'm so thankful for this second witness of Jesus Christ.  I love the early saints, for their dedication and sacrifice and for their example of doing really hard things.  And I know we can do really hard things too, when asked.  I love, love the temple.  I will really miss serving there every day.  I hope I'm a better person for serving here and that I will share my testimony with others as I go on to the next chapter of my life.  

I'm sorry this is long.  We love you all and are excited to be home and see you all again.  We have been homesick for family, friends and home.  See you soon!

A few pictures.

Fall here is beautiful!

Our view each day as we came out of the temple with the Mississippi River

One of the pumpkins at the pumpkin walk

The roadside pumpkin farm

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